Google’s second generation Chromecast is going down under in a few weeks’s time. Ausdroid, Austrialia’s leading android magazine, spread the rumour that the USB-based Wireless HDMI device manufactured by Google is going to be available in Australia by the end of the month. While the first generation Chromecast has sold over twenty million copies around the world, the second generation Chromecasts have come in two varieties: The Chromecast 2 and the Chromecast Audio. The devices are priced reasonably and are often offered at discounted prices.

chromecast 2 and chromecast audio australia

In Australia, the Chromecast is going to be priced at around US$42, which is a ten-dollar surge from the price of the first version, which was priced at $35. This is somewhat of an eyebrow raiser, as in America and the rest of the world, the device is priced at the same $40 range for both versions. Nonetheless, the gamble perspective is going to remain as Google frequently sells the Chromecast on offers – for example, at present, the company is giving you ten dollars in your google play wallet if you buy either of the two versions of the device.

For those who weren’t paying attention to the previous hype about Chromecasts, they are a series of Wireless HDMI Dongles that stream high-definition videos from mobile devices such as phones and tablets and play them on desktop devices such as computers and TV sets. The new series of Chromecasts support more advanced data rates of wireless technology at, 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz respectively. The devices are popular and Australia is expected to pounce upon them with alacrity.


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