On October 7, the Flipkart CEO, Binny Bansal took a decision to pose as one of the delivery boys for Apple iPhone 7 deliveries. The Apple iPhone 7 and the iPhone 7 Plus are available in India via Flipkart. Deliveries of new iPhones started at 7PM IST on October 7.

Did You Catch Flipkart CEO Delivering Your iPhone 7 On October 7

Flipkart had advertised that its CEO, Binny Bansal will hand-deliver iPhone 7 shipments to select buyers in Bangalore. For the publicity stunt, CEO of the e-commerce giant dress up as a delivery boy to personally give out iPhone 7 units to select pre-order customers.

“Flipkart CEO Binny Bansal will be one among the delivery executives who will be delivering the iPhone 7 today starting at 7 PM in Bangalore. Who will be first lucky customer who will get the first phone today?” Flipkart said in an earlier statement.

Apple iPhone 7 customers in Banglore might have spotted Bansal at their doorsteps on October 7. If you are one of the those who pre-ordered their iPhone 7 on Flipkart, let us know if you recognized the Flipkart CEO or not.

While Apple has chosen Flipkart as an authorized seller of iPhones in India. Snapdeal has also started taking official orders to deliver iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus smartphones across India. It is also offering special discounts on the new phones via its on-going exchange offer with zero cost EMI option. The American Express credit card holders can get an additional Rs 10,000 cashback.

The Apple iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus are available in India, starting at Rs 60,000. Both iPhone models come in Black, Jet Black, Silver, Gold and Rose Gold color options in three storage variants – 32GB, 128GB, and 256GB. However, the Jet Black variant will only be available in 128GB and 256GB variants. The iPhone 7 32GB, 128GB and 256GB variants are priced at Rs 60,000, Rs 70,000 and Rs 80,000, respectively. While the bigger iPhone 7 Plus models are priced at Rs 72,000 for 32GB, Rs 82,000 for 128GB and Rs 92,000 for 256GB.


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