After Black Friday deals and offers, prices of most consumer electronics have rolled back to normal, including those of laptops, smartphones, and tablets. In case you ever wanted to buy a tablet for less than $300 but missed the Black Friday deals, you don’t have to be disappointed. There are several tablets out there that are packed with awesome features and cost you below less than $300. Read on to find out the best tablets that are available right now under $300.
Tablets That Cost Under $300
1. Asus ZenPad S 8.0 [Price: $129]: The Asus ZenPad 8.0 has refined, luxurious styling that fits any setting. With its clean lines, unique design, polished metallic frame and embossed leather patterning, this is one of the most affordable tablets under $300. It features an 8-inch IPS Display with a 2048×1536 resolution supported by ASUS TruVivid technology for better visual experience. Featuring an MTK 8163 Quad-core 1.3GHz processor, the tablet features 2GB RAM and offers 32GB onboard storage, expandable to 128GB. Asus ZenPad S 8.0 features a 2MP/5MP Dual camera and runs on Android 5.0 Lollipop. ASUS PixelMaster camera captures stunning, high-resolution photos and comes with technology that best combines software and optical design to give you incredible photos.
2. Lenovo Yoga 2 (10″) [Price: $259]: Powered by Intel Atom Quad-core processor and Android 4.4 Kitkat OS, the Lenovo Yoga 2 (10″) features a 10-inch full HD Display that allows for immersive viewing. What sets this tablet apart is the innovative design that places a battery cylinder and kickstand on the side of the device, shifting the center of gravity and enabling you to use the tablet in many ways – Hold, Tilt, Stand and Hang. Lenovo Yoga 2 is fueled by a 9600mAh battery and is known for off-the-charts battery life, lasting up to 18 hours. This tablet comes with an optional Accutype keyboard dock featuring a magnetic seal and a stylish Bluetooth accessory. Lenovo Yoga 2 (10″) features 2GB RAM and 16GB internal storage, expandable up to 64GB. With an 8MP rear camera and a 1.6MP front camera, this tablet is definitely worth buying.
3. Apple iPad Mini 2 [Price $259]: Featuring a 7.9-inch retina display with an enormous 2048×1536 native resolution and a powerful, power-efficient, remarkably responsive 1.3 GHz A7 chip, the Apple iPad Mini 2 is undoubtedly one of the best tablets you can own for less than $300. iPad Mini 2 is incredibly powerful and capable, with advanced features like iSight and FaceTime HD cameras. Apple iPad Mini 2 features a 16GB Flash memory and 1GB RAM and offers up to 10-hour battery life. It runs on Apple iOS 7 and features a 5MP rear camera. Plus you get the access to over 1 million apps on the App Store. The apps are designed to take full advantage of iPad technologies like the gyroscope, accelerometer and every pixel on the Retina display. Definitely worth considering if you are looking for tablets under $300.
4. Amazon Fire HD [Price $229]: Amazon Fire HD is fast and responsive and consists of two high-performance 1.5GHz cores and two 1.2GHz cores running simultaneously for quick app launches, smooth games and videos and great overall performance. Fire HD 10 comes with a wide-screen 1280×800 high definition display, supporting over a million pixels and features a 5MP rear-facing camera and 720p front-facing HD camera. Amazon Fire HD also features a decent battery, known to be almost 2x more durable than iPad Air 2.
Samsung Galaxy Tab S (8.4″) [Price $249]: The Samsung Galaxy Tab S features a super AMOLED 8.4-inch display for bright and vivid graphics. Features 1.9GHz Exynos 5 Octa Processor and 16GB Flash memory and 3GB RAM. Samsung Galaxy Tab is equipped with an 8MP rear camera and a 2.1MP front camera. The tablet runs on Android 4.4 KitKat OS and is fueled by a battery providing 10 hours of battery life. The Ultra Power Saving Mode maximizes battery life. The Multi-window feature allows you to use two apps, side-by-side and drag content from one window to the other. With a sleek, stylish design and fingerprint scanner for enhanced security, this tablet is one of the best tablets out there under $300.
Which tablet do you think is worth every penny? Post your thoughts in the comments section.