2. Black Ops

Call of Duty: Black Ops bears the series’ standard superbly, delivering an engrossing campaign and exciting competitive multiplayer. Currency, new game modes, theater mode, creative weapons (underslung flamethrower, ballistic knife, and explosive-tipped crossbow) were added in the series for the first time. They also changed some of the biggest mistakes of MW2. Sidearms are not as good as primaries, quickscoping was made harder, you get new killstreaks only by kills done with your own weapons, not other killstreaks. No hated classes like marathon+lightweight+commando+tactical knife or one man army+danger close+grenade launcher. Zombies was one of the most liked features of World at War and people wanted more and they got it. The story is was one of the best in the series. Also, for us at least, different time setting can make a huge difference, especially if that time setting is something as rare in games like the cold war.

1. Modern Warfare

To us, COD4 fits in the group of the classic FPS games like Half life, Doom or Goldeneye. It’s just an all around fantastic game that did some influential things that changed the gaming industry. Between games like Goldeneye, Doom, Wolf3D and Halo, COD4 will always be our favorite.


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