We know zombies are a Call Of Duty exclusive. However, it’s conceivable EA is considering adding a zombie mode to Battlefield 1. As of late a couple of players have found some freaky pieces of information. They found it while trying out the new They Shall Not Pass DLC on the Fort Vaux area. A couple of players detailed hearing zombie shouts originating from the underground loads of the Fort Vaux delineate.

battlefield 1
via youtube

Battlefield 1 Will Be Getting A Zombie Mode In Future Update

Those shouts unquestionably sound like some zombie shouts to us. EA hasn’t specified anything about these bits of gossip yet. Yet after the New Beginnings puppy label easter egg anything is conceivable.

EA hasn’t specified anything about these gossipy tidbits yet. However, after the New Beginnings pooch label easter egg anything is conceivable. That’s all for today regarding this. Stay tuned to MobiPicker for more news and updates. Be sure to like this article and tweet it as well. Let us know your thoughts on this in the comments as well. For more on this and other topics, MobiPicker is your ultimate news outlet. Here is some more news regarding this topic as well.

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