After a while of radio silence, we have news on Batman: The Telltale Series. The episodic adventure game set in Batman’s world will have its first episode release in August. Telltale has not given an official release date yet, but it will most likely be revealed next week, which is when the company will launch the game’s first real trailer (no, that teaser doesn’t count).

Batman The Telltale Series

The game will get a boxed copy as well, releasing on September 13th in North America and September 16th in Europe. The first episode will be present on the disc, which is being labelled as a “season pass disc”. This means it will likely include a code allowing owners to play the remaining four episodes as they are released. According to Telltale Games, the roll-out of episodes for Batman will be faster than most of their other games, and the final episode of the game will be out before the end of December.

Apart from Batman, Telltale is also working on The Walking Dead Season Three, which continues Clementine’s story from the previous season. It is expected to launch later this year as well, but will likely not be finished within the year. A busy studio, Telltale will also release a game based on a Marvel property in 2017, and is developing the second season of Game of Thrones.

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