44-year-old Trista Sutter, former star of The Bachelorette, suffered a massive seizure on June 1 during a vacation with her family in Europe. Sutter was vacationing with her husband Ryan Sutter and their children Blakesley and Maxwell. The nearly fatal seizure landed The Bachelorette star in a Croatian hospital. Sutter recently shared a pic of her recovering on Instagram and captioned the photo with an emotional message.
The Bachelorette star Trista Sutter suffers massive nearly fatal seizure during vacation
On June 2, Sutter shared a selfie on Instagram. The photo shows her recovering in the hospital, with monitors and patches attached to her upper body. Sutter also attached an emotional message with the photo, telling how the near-death-experience has changed her perception towards life once and for all.
Sutter says she has now realized that death can come to anybody, anytime and at any place. She says she always thought death would come to her at a later point in time, after kids graduate from college, meet the loves of their lives and create families of their own. The near fatal seizure experience, she says, has reminded her that death can, in fact, come anytime, in any country, whether she’s surrounded by strangers or people she loves or neither, or both.
“An adventure to one of the most beautiful National Parks in Europe. Instead, I ended up in a euphoric white dream that the voices of my husband and daughter pulled me from and I ended up in a Croatian hospital being poked and prodded and wondering “why me?” But today, I had to ask, “why not me”? I’m human. I have an expiration date. I’ve always envisioned that date being sometime after my kids have graduated college, met the loves of their lives and created families of their own, but I was reminded yesterday that it could come anytime, in any country, whether I’m surrounded by strangers or people I love, or neither, or both.”
She says she saw herself entering a euphoric white dream as she was overcome with seizure, hearing voices of her husband and daughter as she regained consciousness at the Croatian hospital. She says the June 1st incident has now made her more appreciative of life, and to be grateful for all the simple joys life offers.
“I’ve never been perfect and I never will be, but from here on out, I vow to try my best to live this life to the fullest. To embrace gratitude and the lessons I wrote about over 3 years ago with a newly acquired perspective. To stress less. To love more. To listen. Be kind. Spread joy. To be a better version of myself as a wife, mother, sister, cousin, niece, aunt, neighbor, daughter, and friend.”
Trista Sutter was the runner-up on Season 1 of the ABC reality television show The Bachelor, before becoming the star of the first season of its companion show, The Bachelorette. Trista has also appeared on ABC’s Dancing with the Stars and NBC’s Fear Factor.
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