The Asus ZenWatch 2 smartwatch has been launched in India on Tuesday, and is the sequel to the ZenWatch. The new ZenWatch 2 gets two variants- a 1.45-inch one (WI502Q) and a 1.63-inch (WI501Q) one. The smaller WI502Q costs Rs. 11,999, and the larger 1.63-inch WI501Q is priced at 14,999. These two new smartwatches are on sale at Flipkart, and will later be available at ASUS Exclusive Stores.

asus zenwatch 2

Let’s talk about features now. The Asus ZenWatch 2 runs on Android Wear and brings a lot of features by offering integration with Asus ZenUI. You can mute an incoming call by covering the watch with your hand. You can even find your lost smartphone and can control some settings in your phone like Wi-Fi.

The smaller Asus ZenWatch 2 WI502Q comes in a Silver color option and features a 1.45-inch AMOLED screen. The bigger WI501Q version comes in Gunmetal and Silver colors and gets a 1.63-inch AMOLED screen. The watches offer support for 2-finger touch. Under the hood, the watches run a quad-core Snapdragon 400 chipset with 512MB RAM and 4GB eMMC onboard storage. They offer Bluetooth 4.1 and Wi-Fi connectivity.

The two new ZenWatch 2 models also get IP67 certification (they’re waterproof up to 1 metre) and a magnetic charging cable. The Asus ZenWatch 2 WI502Q gets a 300mAh battery, while the larger model offers a 400mAh battery. The WI501Q model offers a leather or a rubber strap, while the smaller model offers only a leather strap.


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