The Asus Zenfone Max was unveiled last year at the company’s ZenFestival in India, and the phone went up for pre-orders early this month. According to a latest press release, the handset is now available for purchase through Amazon and Flipkat at Rs. 9,999 (approx. $150). Besides being available on all leading e-commerce portals, the phone will also be sold at all leading retail stores and Asus exclusive stores. Currently, Amazon has only the White variant in stock, while Flipkart is selling both White and Black models.

asus zenfone max launch indiaFor those who have not gone through the specs-list, the unique selling point of the phone is its massive 5,000mAh non-removable battery, which delivers up to  37.6 hours of talk-time or 22.6 hours of video playback or 72.9 hours of music playback or 32.5 hours of Wi-Fi web surfing. The big battery on the phone works as a Power Bank too, which ensures that your all the devices are always charged up.

The Zenfone Max sports a 5.5-inch HD IPS screen and is powered by the 64-bit quad-core Snapdragon 410 processor. It packs 2GB of RAM along with 16GB built-in storage (expandable up to 64GB via microSD card). The camera section features a 13MP rear camera with f/2.0 aperture and dual-colour real tone flash.

Running Android 5.0 Lollipop with ZenUI on top, the Zenfone Max features all standard connectivity options including Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, and microUSB.

Anyone planning to experience the whopping 5,000mAh battery smartphone?


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