Asus has launched two new compact gaming notebooks in India, starting at Rs. 1,81,990. The Asus ROG G752VS and GL502VS gaming laptops come with the latest NVIDIA Pascal GeForce GTX10 series. The new graphics cards are VR-ready and feature NVIDIA G-SYNC technology that reduces lag and stutter while eliminating visual tearing for smoother gaming visuals. The new laptops are launched under Asus Republic of Gamers (ROG) series. The ASUS ROG GL502VS and G752VS will be available at a starting price of Rs 1,81,990 and Rs. 2,47,990, respectively.
Asus ROG G752VS
The 17-inch laptop display comes with a super fast 120Hz refresh rate and wide 178-degree viewing angles. It comes in Armor Titanium and Plasma Copper color options. The Asus ROG G752VS comes with a back-lit anti-ghosting keyboard with 30-key rollover for precise control and input.
The NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 GPU offers up to 80 percent higher performance than previous-generation graphics cards. It is powered by an unlocked 6th-generation Intel Core i7 ‘Skylake’ processor and up to 64GB DDR4 RAM. The unlocked processor features an overclocking toolkit that allows users to overclock the system speeds of up to 4.0GHz. The laptop runs Windows 10 Pro.
Asus ROG Strix GL502VS
The 15-inch wide-view panel also comes with a 178-degree viewing angle. It weighs 2.3kg. The Asus ROG ROG Strix GL502VS sports a VR Ready NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 GPU that offers a smooth virtual reality experience that is low-latency, stutter-free and visual tearing free. It supports by up to 32GB of DDR4 RAM. It comes with noise-free audio systems.
The new laptop features ASUS GameFirst III technology that optimizes network traffic for faster, lag-free online gaming. While its intuitive interface offers four preset package priority modes – Optimization, Game, Media Streaming, and File Sharing.