Ark Survival Evolved update v256 offers big changes to the game and adds Flyer Dino nerfs. A follow-up patch update is also likely releasing ahead of the official release on Xbox One and PS4.

As we know Ark Survival Evolved update was released a few days ago. The new update brought in a lot of changes to the game. The biggest change that the new update brought is the new nerfs added to the Flyer Dino.

As the Studio Wildcard previously promised that they would bring down the power of all the tamed Dinos, this latest update proves it true. Major aerial combat changes have been made to the flyer dions. Following are the full Ark Survival Evolved new update Patch Notes.

  • A long time in the making, air combat is now being brought in-line with overall nerfs to things such as health, weight, speed, and stamina.
  • Stamina: across the board 50% decrease to base stamina (not including moth) and per-level stamina increase amount.
  • Increased stamina recovery time for flyers.
  • Don’t allow the recovery stamina in the air if creature is being ridden or if a player is standing on it.
  • No speed upgrade. This clears the existing level-up speed stats and gives the points back to you to spend elsewhere.
  • Made passenger carrying weight scaling 1.0 for flyers.
  • Increased wyvern elemental stamina cost.
  • Riding speed of flyers decreased by 10-30%.
  • Decreased quetz per-level hp.
  • Added a 3 second cooldown to Ptera barrel roll.

Some other major changes are also brought to the game with the new update. These changes include the Tek Tier base options, Fish Armor, Unicorns, and Teleporters. The Studio Wildcard explained the big changes and decisions to nerf the Flyer Dinos.

There are some other major updates currently in the works for Ark Survival Evolved. However, there is no word on confirmed ETA for any upcoming updates by the Studio Wildcard. Until now there is no clue about when the new updates are going to land on PS4 and Xbox One. The oncoming confirmed changes to the Flyer Dions will soon be released as “Flyer Nerf V2 Patch,” Studio Wildcard confirms.



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