Apple Watch named as the “Watch Reimagined” has created a sensation in the medical world. It received a nice amount of name and publicity in the form of a health notification as reported by WCVB, that might have saved a 17-year-old Paul Houle, a senior student at Tabor Academy, Massachusetts.
After a regular exercise and practice, Houle noticed that his heart rate was at 145, not willing to go down until he reached home. He contacted his family doctor, who detected a severe medical condition, rhabdomyolysis, which if untreated could lead to kidney, liver and heart failure.The boy claims that if he hadn’t noticed his heart rate on the Apple Watch, he wouldn’t have notified his doctor. Now that’s a big deal considering his health condition and could inspire more health and fitness freaks to try the watch.
This saving health functionality transformed Houle’s father –originally a cynic of the Apple Watch- into a believer. Now the entire family owns an Apple Watch.
After this astonishing event, Houle was contacted by Apple Chief Tim Cook, who offered the student free iPhone and summer internship at the company’s headquarters. What could get luckier for the boy!
Cook was for obvious reasons happy with the positive press, after bleak sales in the first few introductory weeks. The health functionality monitoring could also draw attention from the fitness crowd of Fitbit and Jawbone.
A section of the smart watch is dedicated to health as well. For example, Airstrip got on stage to show the heart rates for a mother-to-be and her child, how doctors can stay in contact with patients and so on. But reports claimed that Apple was holding off this elevated medical functionality until the launch of second generation Apple Watch 2.