Snapdeal has entered an exclusive partnership with American Express to offer Rs 10,000 off on the new Apple iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. The e-commerce company is offering the 10K on latest iPhone models for American Express card members. The offer will be available on Snapdeal starting today i.e. October 7th. The new discount can also be clubbed with the on-going exchange offers on Snapdeal and zero cost EMIs.

“We have entered into a strategic partnership with American Express and are excited to bring yet another much sought after and iconic product to our customers with an attractive offer,” said Rohit Bansal, co-founder, Snapdeal.

The Apple iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus are set to launch in India starting from 8th October, at a starting price of Rs 60,000. The new smartphone will be available on multiple platforms such as Snapdeal, Flipkart, and Tata CliQ. The Tata CliQ is also offering Rs 10,000 deferred cashback with HDFC credit and debit cards to its customers.

Apple iPhone 7, 7 Plus Discount Offers Snapdeal Takes 10K Off

The Apple iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus come in 32GB, 128GB, and 256GB storage variants. Both versions come in Black, Jet Black, Silver, Gold and Rose Gold colour options. However, the new Jet Black colour variant only comes in 128GB and 256GB storage variants.

The Apple iPhone 7 sports a 4.7-inch display with 3D touch, while the iPhone 7 Plus features a 5.5-inch Retina HD display with 3D touch. The new iPhone models are water and dust resistant. Both smartphones have dropped the 3.5mm jack. The company has completely moved to Lightning ports. It is also offering the much-mocked ‘Air Pods’.

Both the smartphones are powered by a quad-core Apple A10 Fusion processor and run iOS 10. The Apple iPhone 7 sports a 12MP iSight camera and supports 4K video recording. While the iPhone 7 Plus features dual camera setup on the back – one wide-angle and a telephoto lens.


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