WhatsApp Messenger has just received an update on the android platform with some massive changes. The latest version, WhatsApp beta 2.17.93 comes with changes aimed at using easing the user interface.

WhatsApp Beta

First up, the new release now houses two separate icons for voice calling and video calling feature, making it easier to understand and use the particular features. Earlier, there was a single icon for both the tasks. The second noticeable change is the placement of attachment icon. In the latest update, the icon has moved from top of the screen to the bottom, alongside the camera in the text box. This will make attaching files, photos and stuff much easier than before, as you won’t need to reach the top shelf of the app for the same.

Both the changes seem small, but we believe it makes massive impact on the user experience. The interface is now simple to understand and use.

Just to remind, the latest WhatsApp update is for the beta testers of the messaging app in the Google Play Store. The stable release will come sometime later. In case, you are enrolled as a beta tester, the update shall hit your device in a couple of days. But, if you want to download the latest WhatsApp beta 2.17.93 release now, head over to the APKMirror source link given below.

WhatsApp beta 2.17.93 is 33.05 MB in size. The latest release is applicable to all devices running Android 4.0 and above.

Following is the changelog for the latest WhatsApp update for android users:

WhatsApp Status: Post photos, videos, and GIFs to your status and share with your contacts what’s going on throughout your day. Status updates from your contacts appear in the Status tab, and they’ll disappear after 24 hours. Long press on a contact’s name in the Status tab to mute their updates.

Quickly access the camera by swiping right from the Chats tab.

Turn on two-step verification in Settings > Account to require a passcode when registering your phone number with WhatsApp.


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