As one of the most popular and widely used instant messaging apps around today, WhatsApp hardly needs an introduction. Ever since its launch as an independent venture, the now Facebook-owned platform has been consistently releasing new updates to boost security, features, and ease of use for the end user. Continuing with that trend, the company has now released the APK download file for the latest version of the app, WhatsApp Messenger 2.17.67 Beta.

apk download whatsapp 2.17.67 beta

The update brings a number of new additions to the features you have already grown accustomed to. The new features in the WhatsApp Messenger 2.17.67 Beta APK download file include:

1. Improved WhatsApp video calling that doesn’t cost you any money apart from the carrier data charge. So, those virtual face-to-face conversations with your friends and family will now be much better, as well as less buggy and disruptive.

2. The new WhatsApp Messenger APK download also brings you the ability to play videos right away without having to wait for them to download first. Of course, the videos will still be downloaded locally on your phone’s memory like ever before. The only difference will be that instead of making you wait till the entire file finishes downloading, now you will be able to watch it in real-time as though you were streaming it (as the download continues in the background).

3. The new APK file also enables you to send and receive animated GIFs.

Note that the new features work best with Android 4.1 or higher versions. The WhatsApp 2.17.67 Beta APK can be downloaded from third-party mirror sites such as APKMirror, Also, if you are a beta tester on Google Play, you will get the update automatically, so just wait for a few days and you will have the latest WhatsApp Messenger update.

Also, check out how you can use WhatsApp without a phone number or SIM card.


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