For last few weeks, Instagram has been testing the multiple image post feature on the beta variant of the android app, and today, the same feature has become official. With the latest update for Android and iOS devices, users can now add up to 10 photos and videos to each of their Instagram posts – no longer is one post confined to one image or video.
Instagram new Multi-image and video feature
The new feature is pretty to use. While uploading, users will see a new icon that, when tapped, will let them select multiple photos and videos.
Once you have selected the images to share, you can apply filters to all in one go or one by one. The entries can be reordered too by tapping and holding each one. There will be a single caption for these posts, and as of now, only square images can be posted. Users can notice these posts with a little icon on the first photo or video, which will indicate that there are more photos or videos to see.
Instagram 10.9 for Android and iOS is the latest release with the new feature. The update roll out is happening in phases and might take some time to hit your particular device. iOS users can follow here – iTunes App Store and Android users here – Google Play Store. Android users can also download the APK file from Uptodown.
The update for Windows devices is happening region-wise. To check whether the update is happening for your region, visit this link – Windows Store.
If you are able to get the update on your smartphone, do share the experience about the new feature of Instagram in the comments section below.