Gone are the days when you used to pay with cash and cards. It’s easier and more convenient nowadays to pay with your smartphone. Thanks to Android Pay, Android smartphones with NFC can just tap their smartphone to a payment terminal that supports NFC and the payment is done! It is the simplest and safest way to pay in stores.

android pay

Downloading and installing Android Pay APK is very simple. Make sure your smartphone is running on Android 4.4 or later version of the OS and has got NFC. Then just download Android Pay APK latest version from mirror sites like apkpolice.com and open that file on your smartphone to install the app. You can then add your debit and credit cards from supported banks into the Android Pay app and can start using it.

When you pay with Android Pay, your actual debit/credit card number isn’t shared with the merchant and only a virtual account number is used for keeping your own card credentials safe. All the transaction details are sent to your device. And even if you lose your device or it gets stolen, you can just lock it from anywhere by going to myaccount.google.com. Remember that for safety and security, Android Pay does not work on rooted devices.

The Android Pay APK has been updated and the latest version 1.4 has been released. The new Android Pay 1.4 APK download file weighs 6.13 MB and works on Android 4.4+ devices with NFC. You can download Android Pay APK v1.4 from APK4Fun.


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