AMD earlier this week stated that the Radeon RX 500-series graphics cards make a perfect match for the company’s Ryzen 5 series processors. Powered by the same Polaris architecture as featured in the Radeon RX 400 series launched in 2016, the new RX 500 cards come with a new low-end GPU that’s aimed primarily at home theater PCs and e-sports.

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The company also revealed that it is upgrading the RX 400 series in April 2017 to make it a viable alternative for upgrading PCs. The upgrade will also address the growing demands for cost-effective cards that ensure virtual reality (VR) and high-end gaming.

AMD, however, made it clear that the new RX 500 series won’t be a mere rebrand of last year’s RX 400 family. These new graphics card promise to increase clock speeds by a relatively small margin as compared to what we had in the RX 400 series.

As pointed out by the folks over at PC World, the upgrade from RX 400 series to RX 500 is indeed a notable one. The refreshed RX 400 lineup will mostly focus on mitigating certain issues encountered by the original lineup.

Worth noting, the new Radeon RX 400 cards are set by the chip-maker to rely on its partners to fetch cutting-edge Radeon solutions through its innovative design. Sellers will most likely include Gigabyte, Asus, PowerColor, Visiontek, XFX, Micro-Star International, and Sapphire, DigitalTrends reports. All these AMD partners will focus on providing buyers with a highly customized experience that will boost the overall visual fidelity of their favorite games in addition to ensuring an optimal VR experience.

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