As per latest reports, AMD plans to take on Intel’s high-end desktop HEDT chipsets with improved 16-core and 12-core processors based on the same Ryzen CPU architecture but on a much larger socket. These chips have already been spotted in recent benchmarks, but this time, there’s a new report detailing a tad more about their design and capabilities.

ryzen 7 1700x benchmarks

AMD Ryzen Processors With Multi-Chip Module Design

According to Fudzilla, the new AMD Ryzen processors will come with a multi-chip module design, moving in line the with a previous report that suggested the use of a newer and larger socket with 4,000 pins, twice the number of cores and 58 PCIe gen 3.0 lanes.

The 16-core variant will have two octa-core CPUs stitched together while the 12-core variant will be two hexacore CPUs. There’s still no word on the real world performance, but a SiSoft Sandra benchmark test and two leaked diagrams of the AMD X399 and X390 already revealed how these chips might fare against competitors.

Among other things, it is also revealed that the chipsets will include support for quad channel DD4 memory, which, at present, is the most efficient and fastest on offer – taking AMD even closer to Intel’s high-end offerings.

It is also important to note that the clock speeds of these chipsets do not equate with the number of cores. According to SegmentNext, the 16-core model will have 180W TDP while the 12-core variant will have 140W TDP, which was noted to have a single disabled core per CCX.

While we expect to see AMD Ryzen 16-core and 12-core CPUs in June at the Computex in Taipei, we are also eager to see how these behemoths will fare against Intel’s higher-end processors – not just in terms of performance, but in terms of pricing too. Not to mention AMD Ryzen 7 did some serious damage, pushing Intel to slash the prices for some of its Core processors.


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