The Adobe Flash Player is under the danger of extinction, as HTML5 has picked up pace and is replacing the Flash Player largely. Owing to this, Adobe is trying very hard to keep the Flash Player going by providing updates very frequently. The new Adobe Flash Player latest version is and is now available for free download on your computer.

adobe flash player

If you use Adobe Flash Player, we suggest you update to the latest version immediately as it brings a lot of bug fixes and security enhancements. Adobe hasn’t provided any change log for this new update yet, and only the update file is available to download right now. It might take a few hours or a day more for the change log to show up. But it is being said that the new Adobe Flash Player version solves some important security vulnerabilities that have been uncovered by users and developers recently.

Adobe Flash Player exists on millions of computers currently. But thanks to a lot of issues and bugs in it, huge companies are fast switching to HTML5. Recent reports say that the upcoming months will see the growth of HTML5, and Adobe Flash Player will have to leave the ground eventually. The vulnerabilities in the Flash Player have increased by threefold in 2015.

So if you have installed Adobe Flash Player on your computer, you should update to the latest version right now. It will surely make the flash player less buggy and will resolve any security issues that have haunted it in the past.


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