As expected, the OnePlus 10,000 mAh power bank is now official in India. It is available in Silk white, and Sandstone black colors for the price of INR 1,399 ($21.89). Similar to OnePlus One smartphone and other accessories from the company, the power bank is also exclusive to Amazon India.

oneplus power bank, 10000mah power bank, oneplusMade of Lithium-Polymer batteries, the OnePlus power bank features two ports 5V-2V output and 5V/2V input for charging two devices at the same time. It measures 142.8 × 72.6 × 16.2 mm and weighs 220g.

According to company, the Power Bank gets fully charged in mere 5.5 hours. It also includes a LED indicator to prevent overcharging and overheating. The box contains OnePlus Power Bank and its USB cable.

OnePlus has also announced last month that their only smartphone OnePlus One will be now available without invites forever.


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