Motorola recently announced that both the Moto X 1st and 2nd Gen will receive the Android 5.1 soon. Now the company has started the Android 5.1 Lollipop soak test for the 2nd Gen Moto X in few countries. The latest update brings few interesting features along with basic attributes of Android 5.1, bug fixes, and improvements.

chop twice for flashlight, action, live action, moto x 2nd gen, android 5.1 update

The most interesting and notable feature is added in Moto Action app, which now also features ‘Chop Twice for Flashlight’ gesture along with earlier functions – silent the ringer on incoming call, and launching the camera.

The ‘Chop Twice for Flashlight’ means you need to chop your device two times to switch ON the flashlight and again two times to switch it Off. It is funny as well as important, when you need flash light quickly, just chop it twice instead of searching the applications or settings.

moto x 2nd gen, android 5.1 soak test, android update

If you are the one who received the soak test of Android 5.1 for your Moto X (2014), do share the new experience with us.


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