OnePlus launched its 10,000 mAh Power Bank in December 2014 and is available in the U.S. through its official e-Store. The company has already said that they are planning to launch the Power Bank in India in April, and working on Logistics procedure.
Vikas Agarwal who is the head of OnePlus in India has now said on the company’s official forum that the OnePlus 10,000 mAh Power Bank will soon be available on Amazon India in the last week of this month.
OnePlus Power Bank Features:-
- Dimensions – 142.8 × 72.6 × 16.2 mm; Weight- 220g
- Portable Power Bank with 10,000 mAh power capacity, made of lithium-polymer batteries
- Prevents overheating and overcharging
- Input: 5V/2A; Charging Time: 5.5h
- Dual USB ports (5V-2A) to charge two device at a time
If you are an owner of OnePlus One handset, you might also like their Bamboo covers which are also planned to launch in India this month.