Supercell has worked really hard on releasing the biggest update the game has ever seen. Clash of Clans May 2017 update – version 9.24.1 – finally brought in the much-requested shipwreck feature. Using the ship/boat, you can now travel to the “other” side of the shore. The brand new Clash world includes a completely new base called the Builder Base. With new buildings like crushers, push traps, gem mine, clock tower and new abilities for archers and giants, the latest update is packed with many exciting features and troop upgrades. But not all’s well with Clash of Clans fans. Find out why several clashers are super upset with Supercell.

clash of clans october update sneak peek 2
via supercell

Why fans aren’t happy with Clash of Clans May 2017 update

Supercell, time and again, tries to keep excitement levels high among Clash of Clans players. By introducing regular updates, special troop events, discounts on troop training cost, discounts on defence upgrades, spell brewing and so on, Supercell continues to keep players hooked to the game. A lot of effort has gone in bringing up the recent Builder Base update. The update is so significant that several clashers are calling it Clash of Clans 2.

However, the recent update strategically places importance on the single-most important resource in the game – gems! Fans are miffed with Supercell for limiting the number of attacks that can be done in Builder Base. Apparently, gems are one of the most important sources of revenues for Supercell and with a feature that allows players to get rid of the limit for number of attacks, Supercell is strategically asking people to pay more for more gems. This hasn’t gone too well with fans.

image source: twitter

Not all Clash of Clans players are rich enough to spend exorbitantly on purchasing gems. But somehow, Supercell continues to favor players who pay for gems over those who cannot. Much of the game still relies heavily on gems and to progress faster in the game, players inevitably end up paying for gems. Several fans expressed disappointment on Twitter over Supercell’s strategy of favoring those who pay for the game.

Dear Supercell, are you listening?


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