After the long wait that seemed like an eternity, Supercell finally released the biggest, never seen before, unique update. After disappointing users with not-so-great Captain’s log videos, Supercell released Clash of Clans May 2017 update – version 9.24.1. The update finally brought in the much-requested shipwreck feature. Using the ship/boat, you can now travel to the “other” side of the shore. The brand new Clash world includes a completely new base called the Builder Base. With new buildings like crushers, push traps, gem mine, clock tower and new abilities for archers and giants, the recent update is packed with many exciting features and troop upgrades. But then what made Supercell release the biggest ever, never seen before update? What’s the mystery behind unraveling the builder base?

Clash of Clans: Behind the builder base

Supercell, in its recent post, talks about the Builder Base journey. The team has revealed the thinking and the design behind the massive update. To all those village chiefs wondering why the builder base has come into existence, Supercell has an answer! According to Supercell, the inspiration for the Builder Base struck in the months following the Town Hall 11 update. The update inspired the team to think about Simplicity – being easy to understand, pick up and play, and at the same time being challenging to master.

Supercell also wanted to bring back the excitement and charm that the early Clash experience brings. All too often, players get busy in building bigger bases while missing out on the spirit of Simplicity. A new village, Supercell thought, can bring back the excitement levels experienced by players in the early stages of Clash of Clans. With that in mind, Supercell set out to work on only one goal – recreate that early Clash thrill in a new way that everyone could enjoy.

New world of challenges

But then, for the developers, building a new village posed its own set of challenges – how to craft a meaningful new experience for Clashers while retaining the simple Clash charm? This is where Supercell’s Meaningful Progression comes in – constantly producing unique gameplay and new challenges. In addition to this, Supercell has also outlined its plans beyond the builder base.

Beyond the Builder Base: New Builder Hall levels

So what’s in store for the future? The team has revealed the plans it has in mind. Supercell says it’s eager to hear feedback from all Clashers on the Builder Base and to continue developing and improving it over time. Supercell has also revealed that it has several new Builder Hall levels slated for release. And with that, the team will be moving back to the regular development cycle of all aspects of the game, from home village to Clan Wars.

clash of clans may 2017 update

Clash of Clans latest version APK Download

Those who want to upgrade their Clash of Clans from Google Play Store, just head to CoC page and get the latest Clash of Clans update version 9.24.1. iOS users can get update 9.24.1 by visiting App Store. However, if you are an Android user and are looking for Clash of Clans APK download file, you can download the official and safe Play Store version of CoC APK 9.24.1 from here.


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