Microsoft seems to be planning to introduce the newest Windows 10 Mail & Calendar apps to Gmail users.

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It’s been awhile since the Redmond, Washington-based company has been consistently focusing on architectural enhancements and speeding up the performance of Windows 10 Mail & Calendar apps. Just a few months back the company rolled out a slew of new features that include:

  • Color categories for calendar events, a feature designed to allow users color code their upcoming schedules.
  • Real-time location suggestions that enables you to add popular addresses much faster
  • The ability to follow regular updates surrounding your upcoming events.
  • Skype option to facilitate more convenient online meetings
  • Office 365 scheduling assistant
  • Trimmed down versions of your schedule in calendar and inbox

However, one of the most anticipated features in the latest update is the Focused Inbox for all Gmail users. Powered by machine intelligence, this new feature automatically detects your most important messages and keeps them under a separate “Focused” folded right inside the inbox. Meanwhile, any other message that is deemed not-so-important is automatically sent over to the “Other” folder.

Gmail Boomerang

Simply put, the Focused inbox, which happens to a new and enhanced variant of Clutter, has been optimized to make communicating and collaborating with people using emails much seriously.

Much akin to social media sites, users will now be able to simply type the @symbol anywhere inside an email body to draw the attention of only one or a select group of other people to that particular part of the message.

(Outlook users can preview the messages that they have been mentioned).

[Also read: How to Setup Windows 10 Multiple Desktops]


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