Boruto: Naruto Next Generations is a Japanese manga series written by Ukyo Kodachi and illustrated by Mikio Ikemoto. Boruto is a spin-off and the sequel of Masashi Kishimoto’s Naruto and revolves around the exploits of Naruto Uzumaki’s son Boruto Uzumaki and his ninja team. The anime television series adaptation of the same started airing on TV Tokyo on April 5, 2017. Read on to know more about Boruto: Naruto Next Generations spoilers!
Boruto: Naruto Next Generations spoilers: Metal Lee to use his Shuriken throwing skills
Latest spoilers reveal that the next episode will be about Metal Lee using his Shuriken throwing skills and that Shikadai Nara will also use his mind manipulation technique on Metal Lee. Metal Lee has always been shy. Unable to demonstrate his skills in front of others and unable to live up to the expectations set by his father, he practices Shuriken skills alone in the woods. He’s comfortable practicing in the woods since no one will see him. But spoilers hint at his friends seeing him practicing.
Other spoilers hint at Shikadai coming to Metal Lee’s rescue in overcoming his shyness. It looks like Shikadai will use his mind manipulation technique to help Metal Lee become more open-minded about his Shuriken throwing skills and move away from shyness. Spoilers also talk about Shikadai telling Metal Lee something that will instantly boost his self-confidence.
Also, spoilers suggest that the upcoming episode will focus on Shikadai’s home life, especially his relationship with mother, Temari. His mother is apparently annoyed with his rather shy nature and lack of confidence. It remains to be seen how his mother talks him through this.
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