Xbox Games With Gold offers you some serious privileges if you are a Gold Level Subscriber to Xbox Live. It allows you to download many free games via the “Games with Gold” program every month for Xbox 360 and Xbox One consoles. Each of the game in Games with Gold remains available for two weeks and later on, it gets replaced with a new title. If you are able to download a game in two weeks time, it’s permanently yours.
Let’s start it out with the games that landed in the month of April 2017. Here, we’ll rank games that mostly remain available every month via the Games with Gold program. Microsoft’s backward compatibility feature allows you to play Xbox 360 games on Xbox One. And these are the games that will be available for two weeks time in the month of April, changing one after another. The Backwards Compatibility feature lets the games be available for a month but it splits them over to two months time.
For example April’s game, Evolve will be available until April 16, it was made available on March 15th. So, Evolve’s replacement game, The Walking Dead: The Complete Second Season will be available from April 16 and it will remain available until May 15. Another game named as Ryse: Son of Rome debuted on April 1 and it will be available until April 30.
Let’s have a look at the 5 Best Xbox Games with Gold for April 2017. You are also encouraged to check back later for the Games with Gold for the month of May 2017.
1. Ryse: Son of Rome
Ryse: Son of Rome is a fantastical creation of beautiful graphics and Roman era setting. Though Roman era setting isn’t rare in games, but what Ryse: Son of Rome offers in terms of its unique gameplay and characters, is absolutely rare. Packed with an intense story, blood and gore, and epic depictions, Ryse: Son of Rome takes you on a journey of history that leaves a mark.
Combat in the game is quite simple, but the emotional side of the game is what keeps you glued to it till the end. In simple words, Ryse: Son of Rome is a perfect game to play on Xbox One as its beautiful, engaging, and there’s a lot of room for the gameplay. It’s uniquely one of the best Xbox Games with Gold.