Destiny Age of Triumph is the last mega event before the launch of Destiny 2 release. So if you are curious about the game’s release date, price, update 2.6.0 patch notes, and more details, we’ve got you covered.
Destiny Age of Triumph is all set to land on PS4 and Xbox One on 28 March. This release date is confirmed by Bungie and the fans are all in for a real treat before even the launch of the game.
Destiny Age of Triumph Release Time
According to the official release time set by Bungie, Destiny Age of Triumph is going to release on 10 am PDT. This means that the fans in various regions (Including US and UK for Update 2.6.0) will be able to get their hands on the game at 10AM PDT/ 1PM EDT/ 6PM BST/ 7PM CEST Today.
In terms of the price of the game, Destiny Age of Triumph is completely free. All you got to have is the “Rise of Iron” in order to access it. Keep in mind that the Rise of Iron is also only available on PS4 and Xbox One.
Furthermore, the Weekly Heroic Strike and Weekly Nightfall Playlists will all be available for purchase and the users will be able to access them at goes live today at 10AM PDT/ 1PM EDT/ 6PM BST/ 7PM CEST (based on the regional timing stats). Bothe of these will also be available from 28th of March, 2017.
Destiny Age of Triumph Patch Notes
Bungie has recently released the Patch Notes for the new Update 2.6.0. Have a look at the Patch notes below.
- Updated Crucible Daily Bounties to be more inclusive, no longer requiring specific Subclasses or Fireteams
- Fixed an issue where a player on the surviving team could use Fireborn to cause the round to continue even when all enemies were dead
- Fixed an issue that allowed Supers to stay activated longer than intended
As bungie suggests, Destiny Age of Triumph is actually the celebration of all things Destiny. It’s available only on Xbox One and PS4. So, the players expecting the game on PS3 and Xbox 360 might be a little bit disappointed. Future will decide if the game has to port to these consoles as well.
Destiny Age of Triumph allows the players to earn or purchase the popular “Treasure of Ages Box”. It allows the players to enjoy features such as having all the Eververse items to date. Loads of new weapons, armor, and other items are also available in the game for purchase and to earn as well.
There are a lot of new, old and reprised quests included in Destiny Age of Triumph as well. Players can enjoy and replay various story-based missions in Heroic mode via the new weekly playlists. Players can also have the opportunity to earn the emblems and loads of other rewards from the Record Book of Destiny history. Strikes are also available in the new Daybreak mod.
Destiny Age of Triumph Raid Schedule
Along with all the updated things, the Raids in the game are also updated. Various new Updated Raids and Challenge Modes are now part of the game after the Update 2.6.0. These Raids are probably the biggest draw that the Bungie brought to the game so far.
Players are now able to enjoy new Armor sets for individual Raids. These Raids include Vault of Glass, Corta’s End, and King’s Fall. There are certain drawbacks of these armors, though. For example, both the Corta’s End and King’s Fall lose a bit of the color when taking damage. The restore to the original form once you’ve restored your health.
All of the Raids are now including 390 Light Heroic Mode and are packed with loads of new challenges. Following are Bungie’s words on the matter.
Both Vault of Glass and Crota’s End have been enhanced with their own new Boss Challenges. A Weekly Featured Raid has been added to the Director which will activate all Challenges for the selected Raid and provide the best rewards.
Thanks to these advancements, players can now have Mastery Tokens for Raid Ornaments by completing the weekly and featured Raid unlocks. The Raid Schedule is listed below.
- Crota’s End – First Week
- Vault of Glass – Second Week
- King’s Fall – Third Week
So, the very last Destiny Update is about to land. Players will surely miss the game, but the new sequel to Destiny, Destiny 2 is said to be as immersive as the Original Destiny game. Hopefully, the sequel will be able to entertain all the hardcore fans and will satisfy their inner curious gamer. How you found out this new Destiny update (Age of Triumph)? Do let us know about it via the comments.