Fifty Shades of Grey and Fifty Shades Darker has created a huge buzz in the past two years further giving a whole new dimension to erotic movies in Hollywood. The movies have changed the perception of people of how they see erotic movies in general. The movie adaptation of E.L James hit novel, Fifty Shades series, the movies has managed to create an everlasting impression on the hearts of millions sitting in every geographic of the world.
But since a coin has two sides, so does the face of opinions in movie business which directs to critics. In a face of an event when critics slammed the success of the Fifty Shades movie, Cheyenne Picardo came out in the defense, who is at present promoting her movie Remedy. Cheyenne said:
“I feel like they’re [critics] underestimating the people who read it” and further went on to say: “I have a feeling that people are reading the book – and then finding out other [information].” to Boston Globe, according to Express.
She also pointed out an essential detail about the movie by saying: “If Anthony Burgess [A Clockwork Orange] had tackled the subject matter, we’d have a very different dialogue about it right now”.
Speaking about the criticism surrounding the movie, Sandra LaMorgese who writes for Huffington Post went very critical and said: “BDSM is a healthy practice for safe, consenting, and sane adults. No one needs fixing”. Another critical critic. Well, whatsoever be the feedback, the movie is loved by millions and adored by millions. Stay tuned with us for more updates as we shall be updating this space soon. Keep up!