All the hardcore Xbox One fans brace yourselves for massive news. Xbox One is going to get four new titles included in Backward Compatibility Program. Xbox One’s Backwards Compatibility is Microsoft’s brilliant program that allows you to play Xbox 360 games on Xbox One and boosts up its 2017 games line up. However, the games that are released earlier or are going to release can’t be categorized as new, but they are boosting up the nostalgic gamers.
More and more fans want to see Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 on the list of games that support Xbox One’s Backwards Compatibility feature. However, There is also no confirmation from Activision and Microsoft about Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. Hopefully, this remarkable game will be added to the list in near future.
The fans may be worried about the number of games that is being added to the Backwards Compatibility program. The games that the fans currently can play include titles such as Cars 2: The Video Game, Meet the Robinsons, Dead Rising: Case Zero, and Dead Rising: Case West.
All these games are recently added to the Backwards Compatibility program. And they were leaked a little bit earlier than the official Microsoft reveal. Furthermore, the Games with the Gold lineup is also going to offer Borderlands 2. It’s currently in the build phase and will be available upon release. The Games with the Gold lineup is going to offer Heavy Weapon in the near future as well.
Heavy Weapon is scheduled to launch on March 16 and more BC games will be released in the next week. Tera is also coming out this year on both PS4 and Xbox One. This remarkable Free-to-Play title is due to release on both consoles as En Masse Entertainment’s new title in Beta.
Keep in mind that there is no set date announcement for the Tera beta version. If you want to sign up for the game, you should follow this Link.