Apple’s iconic iPhone series has continued to perform well in the smartphone market amidst intense competition from premium high-end phones like Google Pixel, Samsung Galaxy Edge devices and cost-effective feature-rich flagship phones like OnePlus 3T. What we are about to reveal in this article can get controversial. But we choose to break it for you. If you have been waiting eagerly for Apple iPhone 8, you may have to wait forever. A new report claims that there is no such thing as “iPhone 8”. Surprised? So are we!

iPhone 8 glass body

iPhone 8 Leak – 3 Bad News

A new report from controversial tripster Mac Otakara has revealed 3 things about iPhone 8 you probably never thought will materialize. To begin with, as we mentioned, there may be no such thing as “iPhone 8”.

Bad News #1: No iPhone 8!

You will probably never see “iPhone 8” or even “iPhone X” as some have begun to call it. Instead, in all likelihood, you will see “iPhone Edition”. Could this be in line with Apple’s top-of-the-line Apple Watch’s brand name “Watch Edition”? Whatever be the reason, an iPhone Edition is more likely to exist than the iPhone 8 in the near future.

The report also suggests that the next iPhone’s development isn’t going as smooth as initial reports suggested. In fact, Apple is working on multiple prototype models for the next iPhone, which again is a bad news. If the iPhone Edition is still in the prototyping stage, it definitely means the launch and the release will be delayed. “Multiple prototype models exist for this model and the development continues to be carried out in parallel with EVT [engineering validation tests]. The production level of development on various models are being done such as the models with IPS TFT, AMOLED, the model with or without a home button, in addition to the models with a new glass, aluminum chassis, white ceramics etc.” the report says.

Bad News #2: No USB Type-C

Mac Otakara’s report makes one thing very clear – Apple will not incorporate USB Type-C in it’s next iPhone. Well, isn’t it high time we had Type-C USB on the iPhone? OnePlus 3T has it and so do many other flagship phones. What’s stopping the Cupertino company from having a Type-C USB on its next iPhone?

Bad News #3: iPhone Edition to arrive later than incremental iPhone 7S and iPhone 7S Plus

This is something that Apple fans will find hard to digest. All those waiting desperately for iPhone 8 (iPhone Edition) will have to wait longer since the report claims that iPhone Edition will only arrive long after incremental iPhone 7S and iPhone 7S Plus models. It’s very likely Apple wouldn’t want to miss the festive season of Christmas but it remains to be seen if this pre-Christmas release is possible at all.

In the past, Mac Otakara’s leaks have missed predictions by a mile and at other times have got them completely right. So it’s best to treat such reports with a pinch of salt.

Source: Forbes | Mac Otakara


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