Xbox One had to experience plenty of hardships before. Its unveiling on May 21, 2013, wasn’t exactly a success and it’s mainly because of many terrible events. The year 2013 was definitely not the best to the Xbox brand.
But like any business should have, Xbox One has recovered. Sony is still at the top, and Microsoft will still be second at best. However, things have gotten better under the Phil Spencer regime, and there’s hope for the future of Xbox with Scorpio coming later this year. Still, it’s hard not to look back at Microsoft’s missteps and wonder, what if?
Here are the five reasons that made Xbox One the lesser platform this generation.
The Entertainment Focus
The Xbox One was designed as a do-it-all entertainment device rather than a game console. Microsoft spent almost an hour touting the system’s TV features, apps, and content plans while dedicating an alarmingly short time to games that weren’t Call of Duty. But most gamers aren’t really interested in those things.
Microsoft also held this event several weeks before E3. In hindsight, it was a strategic error that allowed Sony to capitalize on the Xbox One’s bad press and tweak its own PlayStation 4 messaging to precision.