It seems Apple has some rather big plans for its next-generation smartwatch, the Apple Watch 3. Speculations are rife that the new wearable device will come equipped with a much-improved battery life, as well as a portable charger that works even when you’re wearing the watch.

While MobiPicker can not independently verify the authenticity of these claims, the origin of the speculations can be traced back to a report by the China-based Economic Daily News. Note that the second-generation Apple Watch also came with an enhanced battery life compared to the original iteration. Meanwhile, according to 9 to 5 Mac, Apple is focusing on making the device last longer between charges — perhaps a minimum of two to three days instead of mere one day.


Odds are also high that the Apple Watch 3 will bring along an always-on display. While the previous iteration’s raise-to-wake detection was accepted well by consumers and analysts alike, many users are still likely to prefer having an interface that tells the time without displaying animations (as well as rest of the device’s face). Overall, the always-on display will probably be deemed much more practical.

Also, it was widely reported last year that Apple wants to introduce the sleep tracking and fitness apps for future Apple Watch models. The device’s sophisticated heart rate tracking app can measure fitness levels by examining how long does it take for a heartbeat to reach the resting rate from a peak. Meanwhile, the Health app and HealthKit could also go through a major expansion.

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Finally, some rumor mills also suggest that the Apple Watch 3 will come with cellular connectivity, giving the device the ability to stream songs on Apple Music and communicate via iMessages.

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Which of the aforementioned features do you think will make the next-generation Apple wearable worth your money? Share your thoughts in the comments below.


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