Fans are eagerly waiting for the next installment in the Star Wars series. Star Wars: The Force Awakens was the seventh episode that released in December 2015. The American epic space opera film directed, co-produced and co-written by J J Abrams was the direct sequel to 1983’s Return of the Jedi. It was also the first installment of the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy. Set 30 years after the Return of the Jedi, the movie followed Rey, Finn and Poe Dameron’s search for Luke Skywalker and their fight alongside the Resistance led by veterans of the Rebel Alliance. The legendary sci-fi movie is set to return this year with yet another chapter.
Star Wars Episode VIII Spoilers: Is Rey Luke’s Daughter?
So far, even the title of the upcoming episode VIII has not been announced. Very little is known about the movie. But reports confirmed that Star Wars Episode VIII will begin immediately after the end of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, which brings us to the moments between Rey and Luke Skywalker. The Episode VIII will also see important plot links being established such as Luke teaching Rey on how to become a Jedi, Leia’s reaction to her son killing his own father and Luke’s shattered emotions after the events with Ben Solo. The source hints at the possibility of Rey being the daughter of Luke Skywalker since she proves herself as an adept fighter and a pilot. She is sensitive to the Force and is already on the path to becoming a Jedi. The identity of her parents remains a mystery. This has sparked off speculations that Rey could very well be Luke Skywalker’s daughter.
Star Wars: Episode VIII Release Date
Fans have to wait 11 more months before they get to see the much-awaited Episode VIII. The movie is currently scheduled for December 15, 2017, release. Czech Republic, Poland, and Russia will be able to catch the movie a day earlier – i.e. on December 14, 2017.