Ahead of the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) that’s scheduled to take place in Las Vegas next week, Lenovo has unveiled its new notebook PC ThinkPad Yoga 370. The 2-in-1 notebook PC is designed specifically for mobile professionals and comes with latest Intel processors and the much anticipated new port for docking and data transfers. If you are looking for a notebook-cum-PC with lots of power and the added advantage of flexibility, the ThinkPad Yoga 370 fits right into your requirements!


ThinkPad Yoga 370 – Lenovo’s 2-in-1 Notebook PC

ThinkPad Yoga 370 will come with top-of-the-line 16GB DDR4 RAM and a whopping 1TB Solid State Drive (SSD). The 2-in-1 notebook PC will sport a 13.3-inch Full HD touchscreen. Lenovo ThinkPad Yoga 370 also includes Lenovo’s WiGig dock. The dock allows Yoga 370 to better communicate with docked accessories. What’s more – the notebook will also come with Thunderbolt 3 technology. Thunderbolt 3 allows for faster charging as well as faster data transfer.  The notebook PC will obviously support Wi-Fi 802.11, Bluetooth 4.2, WiGig, NFC, microSD, HDMI and USB 3.0. In addition to all these features, Microsoft Windows 10 Signature Image will also be part of the upcoming notebook PC. It looks like Microsoft has actually worked with Lenovo to provide a clean, add-on free Windows 10 OS for ThinkPad Yoga 370.

Lenovo ThinkPad Yoga 370 Price

When the Yoga 370 goes on sale this March, the price is expected to be around $1260. That’s the starting price. Higher-end variants will likely be more expensive. All variants of the laptop will come with Intel Kaby Lake processors with Intel HD 620 Graphics. More details are expected to be announced at the upcoming Consumer Electronics Show. If you are already hunting for a power-packed lightweight 2-in-1 notebook PC, look no further than the Lenovo ThinkPad Yoga 370!


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