A Series Of Unfortunate Events is a series of 13 children’s novels written by Lemony Snicket, the pet name of American author Daniel Handler. The story follows the turbulent lives of Violet, Klaus and Sunny Baudelaire after their parents’ death in a fire. The children are placed in the custody of Count Olaf, a murderous relative who attempts to steal their inheritance. Count Olaf then plans for numerous disasters as the children try to flee his clutches.


Netflix’s A Series Of Unfortunate Events Cast

Netflix’s A Series of Unfortunate Events based on the same novel will make its appearance in 2017. Neil Patrick Harris – the American actor, producer, singer, comedian, magician and television host best known for his role as Barney Stinson in How I Met Your Mother – will play the character of Count Olaf. Neil Patrick Harris has been rightly chosen for the role and he is expected to deliver full justice for the character of Count Olaf. In order to become the villain that Count Olaf’s character demands, Harris has to go through two hours of prosthetics. Harris is required to put on disguises in order to get closer to the children to collect their inheritance. Acting in several disguises for the role of Olaf will be a challenge for Harris.

Harris has expressed that he feels drawn to the character of Count Olaf and found it really amazing (in a sarcastic way) and that he had a lot of fun playing the character of the famous villain. The other cast for the series includes Malina Weissman as Violet and Patrick Warburton as the narrator. Aasif Mandvi, Alfre Woodard, and Louis Hyness Klaus are also part of the cast.

A Series Of Unfortunate Events Release Date

A Series Of Unfortunate Events is being awaited eagerly by Netflix fans. The series is being discussed about even as we write this post. The schemes and disguises of Count Olaf is something the viewers would be very interested in. The series will air on January 13, 2017.


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