PS Plus membership includes free games and online multiplayer on PS4 systems. In January, PS Plus membership includes Day of the Tentacle Remastered and This War of Mine: The Little Ones.
PS Plus Free Games announced for January 2017
Time to relive those heady days of the early 90’s when LucasArts and point ‘n’ click games were king. And a large purple tentacle attempted to rule the world. That’s right the Day of the Tentacle has returned. Remastered and in glorious HD.
It was originally created by LucasArts as a sequel to Maniac Mansion. Day of the Tentacle once again sees us joining Bernard, Hoagie, and Laverne in another zany adventure that helped popularize the point and click genre of gaming. And make people like Tim Schafer a household name. Now it’s remastered for PC, PS4 and PlayStation Vita by none other than Schafer’s own studio – Double Fine Productions.
This War of Mine is a good survival sim and a great study of survival during wartime and civil collapse. It’s gripping to play and unforgettable once you do. Face war through the eyes of a civilian in this bleak tale of humanity and morality. Much of the game is randomly generated from your starting group of survivors to the length to the season to the locations available to the events happening in them.
The devs of this game found that the game was torrented on pirate bay. And instead of saying weird things, they decided to send out free working Steam serial keys for the game and said, “If because of some reasons you can’t buy the game, it’s ok. We know life, and we know, that sometimes it’s just not possible.”
Source: PlayStation