With Mark Zuckerberg announcing steps to combat fake news on Facebook, it looks like we can expect some relief from fake news. However, WhatsApp hoax messages continue to increase day-by-day. Many users have fallen prey to Reliance Jio, Paytm and Narendra Modi related WhatsApp hoax messages. The perpetrators of the hoax messages seem to have found out a new way of trapping users – prompting users to click on links to update the recently rolled-out video calling feature.
Well, when a new feature arrives, it’s natural to believe that an update has arrived. Most people blindly click on links without even taking a moment to verify the authenticity of the news. This could land users in serious trouble. The hoax messages come with a link and these links direct the users to malicious phishing websites, putting security and privacy of users at risk. It’s best to avoid such hoax messages. We’ve compiled the list of most famous hoax messages doing rounds on WhatsApp. Be sure to delete these as soon as you recognize them!
Narendra Modi Rs 500 Hoax
It’s natural for users to be tempted to click on anything that’s got to do with demonetization. Hackers are exploiting this opportunity to lure users into clicking on the message link that states “Modiji Offer”. The message claims that users can get Rs. 500 recharge on any number from any service provider in India. This is just a scam and does not credit your number with the said amount. But clicking on it will surely lead to malicious websites. Stay away from such messages!
Rs 27,718 Reliance Jio Bill
We don’t know who came up with the figure 27,718 but it’s creative enough to lure users into the trap. The message about Reliance Jio introducing a bill of Rs 27,718 before the Welcome offer ends is purely a scam. Well, if this were true, Reliance would have issued an official statement about the same. Since nothing of that sort has been announced by the company, it’s wise to dismiss this message as a scam. Delete it the moment you see it!
Paytm Hoax
This hoax message claims to offer free Rs 2000 Paytm cash. And to make it sound authentic, the message even uses Narendra Modi’s name. This is again a scam and it’s best to delete the message as soon as you receive it.
WhatsApp Gold and Video Call link hoax
There have been several messages on WhatsApp claiming to offer a better “exclusive” form of the app and also several false links about video calls. Ignore these messages. The best thing you can do is to delete them once and for all.
We hope WhatsApp also comes up with measures to block hoax messages from spreading. Facebook fake news got attention from Mark Zuckerberg, who immediately responded by outlining a detailed strategy to combat the new menace. We just hope the similar measures will be taken for WhatsApp very soon!