LG on Tuesday announced the availability of Android Nougat update for its G5 flagship smartphone. With this announcement, the South Korean firm now boasts two devices running the latest version of the operating system.
As expected, the LG G5 Android N update will be first rolled out on the company’s home turf South Korea, only to be extended to other markets in the coming weeks. Owners of the device will receive notifications about the update once it is available in their regions.
“While LG G5 owners in Korea are the first to receive the OS upgrade, they will be followed by customers in the Americas, Asia, and other markets in the weeks to come,” read the official LG announcement.
LG also highlighted the fact that it is the first company after Google to have made Android 7.0 available to the handset running Android Marshmallow. The update will introduce a series of new features in addition to improved user experience, as well as streamline navigation.
The roll out will be executed in phases, meaning it could take awhile before you are able to upgrade your device to Android N depending on your location. Although, LG has promised that they will ensure all G5 owners receive it by the end of 2016.
“Getting software updates to our users faster than the competition is our way of demonstrating that LG is committed to supporting our products and customers to ensure they have a positive ownership experience,” said Kim Hyung-jung, senior vice president and head of LG Mobile’s research and development.