Designated survivor, a series showcasing a low-level cabinet member becoming the president of America. The plot is manipulated and has delivered unexpected twists in the series, further keeping the viewers engaged and the ratings higher. The series started off this year and the episodes so far have captivated the interests of many. The recent episode 6 spoilers have buzzed a series of questions in the viewer’s head and we are here to hum them off.

designated survivor

President Kirkman has been facing sleepless nights and has finally planned to elect new members for the congress. Governor’s Summit experienced a series of shots done in an intention to ruin the settlement within the Government. A feisty move.

What more in the episode?

The terror evening didn’t burn the President’s confidence and he decided to continue the submit, but he was stopped only to be questioned. His motives were the ones to be knocked with gleaming questions. In the earlier episodes, we have seen that Kirkman has been trying really hard to lay the foundation of a stable Government but his every step has brought closer to problems and we guess that’s the watchable part.

More trouble for Kirkman, he will have to impress the Governors, in order to fetch the nominees for the senate. He will be offered with only one option and that will be to submit the interrogation along with all the 50 governors appointed as juniors to him. That’s some serious digging and a hell of a job-to-do for the President.

Designated survivor has a lot to offer and the trailers of the upcoming episode is an evidence of the conspiracy awaiting to be watched. Have a look.


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