WhatsApp is getting a new update today and has been bumped up to version number 2.16.338. As most of you would already know, this update is a beta release meant for the WhatsApp beta program. It’s a small update with no visible changes or new features, but it’s still worth installing if you use the beta version of WhatsApp on your Android devices.

whatsapp download

The new WhatsApp 2.16.338 APK download file comes with build number 451482 and is 31.56 MB in size. It is compatible with tablets and phones running Android 2.3.4 and should work without any hiccups. Betas are often buggy, so you can expect the same from this build if you use the newer, unpolished features like WhatsApp video calling.

Talking about the video calling feature in WhatsApp, it is available only in the beta version of the app as of now. You can try it out if you want, but remember that the other person you are video calling should also have the latest WhatsApp beta installed. We expect the final version of the feature to be rolled out soon to the stable version of the app.

There’s a new hidden feature inside the latest WhatsApp beta, and it’s similar to Snapchat’s Stories. With this feature, you can add images to your status page and check who viewed your status. There will be a new “Status” tab beside Chats and Calls. You can choose who can see your updates. To use this feature, you need to install the latest WhatsApp beta APK on your smartphone that’s rooted and has an Xposed module. This feature should be rolled out finally to the stable version of the app in a couple of weeks.

You can go to the Google Play Store’s beta program to download WhatsApp 2.16.338 update. You can also download WhatsApp APK latest version from APKPolice.com if you don’t want to wait for the automatic update roll-out to your device (which works only if you have joined the beta program).


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