The story of a turtle winning a race resembles the career of The 100 in Hollywood. The sitcom specifically focuses on the struggle of humans in outer space as earth has been banished and is being destroyed by some unfortunate ruckus. The main characters of the show live in a spaceship that is in a destructive mode and the challenges to survive in such a situation is what all the show is all about. Further, in order to preserve the human species, the main cast decides to send 100 humans to earth, doing justice to its title.
Moving towards the headline, The 100 even after having a different storyline was predicted to have a disappointing fate which was due to its unpopular start cast but since it was backed by buckets of money and impeccable direction, the show later turned out to be a player. The release of season 3, is scheduled for November 16 and the release of season 4 has no specific date as of yet but it can debut the television screens anytime in between January to March of 2017.
Season 4 shall have an integration of the subject, nuclear war in its story line and would stage its star cast doing the struggle and patterning a way out of the probable holocaust which can be due to a radiation leak. Staying on earth will be the only option left out for them as they would run out of oxygen. The main star cast without any drop outs is set to return in both season 3 and season 4. All we have to see now it the nuclear battle, battle of survival with limited oxygen, or battle to stay alive on earth which now has a distinctive environment, not in a good way.