Recently, Apple released a major update for iOS 10. The new update brings huge improvement and added features including Portrait mode to the iPhone 7 Plus. It also comes with an important security patch. However, it didn’t take long before the party was spoiled as Apple users reported that the new iOS 10.1 erased sensitive information in their Health app without warning. Apple is expected to release a software patch to fix the bug in its latest iOS 10.1 update.
The new issue does not seem like an isolated one as the Apple support forum is filled with multiple complaints. Users reported that when they visited my Health app after updating an iPhone to iOS 10.1, all the data was missing. When trying to open the recent activity, all you get is the spinning icon.
So far, there is no solution to fix this issue. Several users tried to fix the problem by resetting the health stat in favorites, but the switch is said to be instantly turning off on its own. Also, the Health app crashes to the home screen, if you try to export data.
As of now, Apple has not officially commented on the issue. However, iOS device owners are advised to go ahead with iOS 10.1 installation, as it comes with an important security update which prevents phishing from hackers. The choice between security and a health app data isn’t a hard one.
Apple is expected to release a software patch to fix the new bug pretty soon. Users who have installed the health app will have to wait a few days for such confirmation. The iOS 10.1.1 will likely fix this issue.
The Health app is designed to learn about your health and help you start reaching your goals. It combines health data from iPhone, Apple Watch and third-party apps in place. The app also recommends other helpful apps to round out your collection.