Quite a while after Facebook Lite was announced, Facebook has successfully launched its Messenger Lite app, which offers much better performance for mobile devices that are running low-end hardware and it’s catered for slow connections to provide the same experience as those who are running the actual app. With Messenger Lite, you will quickly be able to reach people even if you don’t have the fastest of wireless internet connections available at your disposal.

Facebook made the announcement regarding its Messenger Lite app as follows:

“Furthering our goal to empower people all over the world to stay connected, today we’re launching a new app called Messenger Lite, a standalone version of Messenger for Android. Messenger Lite is a slimmed down version of Messenger that offers the core features of Messenger for markets with slower than average internet speeds and a prevalence of basic Android smartphones. With Messenger Lite, people are able to quickly and easily send text, photos, and links to anyone using Messenger or Messenger Lite.”

Facebook Messenger Lite [APK Download] Is Available for Your Android Device: Here Are All the Features Present

According to Facebook, Messenger Lite is going to be under 10MB so not only will it use fewer amounts of data, but it will also consume fewer amounts of your internal memory, which in low-end devices is said to be a minute amount. Even though Facebook has stated that Messenger Lite is going to be available in a few countries, you can get it immediately. How might you ask? Through an APK file download. If you visit APKMirror.com, you too can start using Messenger Lite right away.

The minimum recommended operating system requirements are also very forgiving since you will only need Android 2.3 or higher to be running it. The space of the APK is a small 5.43MB so there is no question that the app isn’t going to be installed on your device.


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