Destiny has just received its major expansion in the form of Rise of Iron. And if the queue times to get into the game on launch day are anything to come by, we can see how popular the game still is. At one point, on PS4, the queues were above 400,000. If you believe the stats floating around, Destiny still has millions of active users each week. The game is varied with so man things to do. The gameplay design, character design and loot setup has a certain depth to it that is not seen in other games. With Destiny 2 rumors going around, we decided to give our thoughts on what we want from Destiny 2 PC.

Destiny 2 PC must have an FOV slider
The low field of view in Destiny is a big issue for many players, especially those who are used to playing PC games with high FOV. As such, it would make sense that Bungie add a FOV bar to not only Destiny 2 PC but also the console version of the game. A very recent example of a console game with a FOV bar is Doom.
Optimization for mouse and keyboard
The problem with most console ports to PC is the mouse support. A good example of this is Bioshock. The game had the same mouse smoothing and sensitivity problem when it was ported to the PC in 2007 and now, after being re-released as aremaster, it still has the same mouse issues. We really hope Bungie doesn’t leave its PC fan base hanging like this. However, given how excellently optimized the PC version of Halo was, we don’t expect them to.
Unlocked frame rate
Us PC gamers really love our frame rates. That’s why we get expensive GPUs and try to over clock them to get the best out of our games. And we expect Bungie to accommodate us in our endeavors. We hope to take the fps all the way to 100 or above. Nothing says PC gaming like 4K resolution scaling with 100+ fps.
Dedicated PvP servers
Nothing says PC gaming like dedicated servers. If Destiny 2 PC gets dedicated servers then you can bet we’ll be playing the game every single minute.
More RPG than action
This isn’t something we want from the PC version only but from the console versions as well. Don’t get us wrong, Destiny is an excellent game but we believe it will feel more at home with a more RPG focused approach like Skyrim and Elder Scrolls Online.
Nothing has been confirmed from Bungie so far but the rumors and leaks are from reliable sources. Stay tuned to MobiPicker for more updates regarding Destiny 2 PC.