It seems all is not well for Forza Horizon 3 PC users. The game just became available to the PC community and many people are having trouble keeping it at a steady 60 fps despite having more than sufficient hardware.

forza horizon 3 pc
via neogaf

Forza Horizon 3 PC Users are unable to run the game on really good builds

The NeoGAF forums have posts where users are puzzled why their beefed up rigs can’t get more out of Forza Horizon 3 PC. Drops in areas such as Surface Paradise are among the most commonly cited issues. However, the biggest issues are the constant stuttering and microstuttering.

“4670k at 4.4.
GTX 970
8gb ram

With settings at high, 60 with extremely bothersome stuttering in certain areas. Races with multiple cars at 35-45. Dropped down to medium but the pop in was super distracting. Not too happy with this port overall”

Some users are also having trouble with the Microsoft store.

“So Microsoft Store on Windows 10 is very bothersome, constant pausing of downloads stops at 30MB, then stops at 2GB then 6GB and then it just stalls, pausing it and trying again after Installation it just resets the download.

If I get to download this stupid game, does it have support for G-Sync?”

There have been many tests done by several PC gamers for this game. It turns out that the main source of issue for the inferior performance is the Anti-Aliasing. Many gamers were able to get more out of their game by turning it off. However, this trick doesn’t work for most.

Forza Horizon 3 PC Users need to hope for the best. The developers will most likely address these issues in the form of patches and updates. Until then, well, just hold on to your seats. We’ll keep you updated if developers roll out a major update or even respond to user complaints. Stay tuned to MobiPicker.


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