Apple has introduced the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus smartphones on September 7th and is all set to launch the smartphones in India on October 7th. Ahead of the official launch, Apple has posted the detailed pricing of the smartphones on their website. Apple mentioned that the smartphones would be available in Silver, Gold, rose gold, and the new black colors in 32, 128, 256GB storage options. The new Jet black model will be available exclusively in 128GB and 256GB from Apple authorized resellers. Let’s check out the detailed pricing of the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus.
Apple iPhone 7 Pricing:
- Apple iPhone 7 32GB – Rs. 60,000
- Apple iPhone 7 128GB – Rs. 70,000
- Apple iPhone 7 256GB – Rs. 80,000
Apple iPhone 7 Plus Pricing:
- Apple iPhone 7 Plus 32GB – Rs. 72,000
- Apple iPhone 7 Plus 128GB – Rs. 82,000
- Apple iPhone 7 Plus 256GB – Rs. 92,000
Right after the iPhone 7 Announcement, Apple also announced that it would no longer ship the 16GB/64GB iPhone 6s and 6s Plus instead it will be replaced with 32GB and 128GB and pricing for the same is also being revealed online. Additionally, Apple has also announced a price cut for the iPhone SE that was launched earlier this year.
Apple iPhone 6s/6s Plus 32GB & 128GB pricing
- Apple iPhone 6s 32GB Model – Rs. 50,000
- Apple iPhone 6s 128GB Model– Rs. 60,000
- Apple iPhone 6s Plus 32GB Model– Rs. 60,000
- Apple iPhone 6s Plus 128GB Model – Rs. 70,000
iPhone SE new updated pricing:
- Apple iPhone SE 32GB – Rs. 39,000
- Apple iPhone SE 64GB – Rs. 44,000