Samsung Announced the Galaxy Note 7 earlier this month. The device has 4GB of RAM and 64GB internal storage. Samsung produces powerful flagship devices. But the Korean company is facing stiff competition from Chinese companies, which are focusing on large storage and RAM. In that light, Samsung confirmed that a better Galaxy Note 7 was on its way to China.
On Thursday, Samsung Electronics’ Mobile Chief Koh Dong-jin made a statement that the 6GB RAM/128GB ROM variant of the Note 7 might not launch, after all, reports the Korean Herald. Koh, in a launch event for the Note 7 in Seoul, Korea, said: “It is true we are reviewing a roll out for a new tablet with 128GB built-in memory in China because Chinese companies are aggressively doing marketing with high capacity memory.”
Koh went ahead to explain that the company was collecting diverse opinions from various regions about the upgraded version of the Note 7. Samsung’s concern here is that the move might upset Korean consumers. The Note 7 will be available for purchase to Korean customers from August 19. The device is available in silver titanium, gold platinum and blue coral.
Is it fair that Samsung plans to launch a powerful Note 7 to China alone? Let us know what you think.