WhatsApp keeps receiving new updates on Android every few days, while beta builds are released every day. These everyday releases are minor updates that don’t add any new features or changes to the app but surely fixes bugs and improve its overall stability. Talking about minor updates, a new beta build has been released today.

WhatsApp is now on version 2.16.185 with build number 451278. The latest WhatsApp download for Android is supported on Android 2.3.4 or later. If you had noticed earlier, the app was previously supported on Android 2.1, so the requirements have grown now. The latest WhatsApp APK download file weighs 26.76MB.

WhatsApp download for samsung

As this is a beta update, there are rare chances that the app might contain a bug or two. Anyway, the new WhatsApp 2.16.185 APK download is available on the Google Play Store’s beta program. If you are not a member of the beta program, it is free to join. If you don’t want to join, you can download WhatsApp APK 2.16.185 latest version from mirror sites like apkmirror.com, apkpure.com, etc.

As mentioned earlier, there are no changes or new features in this new WhatsApp APK update. But if you notice anything unusual or new, do let us know in the comments below.


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